Why engage a Third Party for 2257 record-keeping? Let's have a look at a few Pros and Cons:


1. You may use the third party's address for the location of your records in your 2257 statement
2. You do not have to be present for an inspection


1. You are legally responsible for the information which is presented during an inspection by the record keeper
2. You still have to collect, inspect and organize your model and content records to supply to the third party record keeper
3. You must still maintain and update your list of URLs or other mediums where the content has been displayed
4. What happens if the third party record keeper goes out of business


You have the privilege of doing all the hard work then upload or send the data to the third party record keeper, continue to maintain depiction locations, still be 100% legally responsible for the accuracy of the information even though someone else is presenting it and to top it all off - you receive the distinguished honor of having to pay for it.


Collect, organize and comply by maintaining your own 2257 records!